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Service Arrangement for October Public Holidays

September 30, 2019


In view of the holidays closure in October, our shipping services will have special service arrangement. Details are as follows.

Shipping Service

  • The overseas warehouses will neither receive nor check in any parcels during the public holidays.
  • The shipment will be postponed to the next shipping day if either Hong Kong warehouse or the overseas warehouse which sent out the parcel is closed.
  • All the services will be back to normal in accordance with the schedule noted below.

Service arrangement of the Warehouses

  Date/Warehouse Hong Kong Taiwan China Korea
Sept-30 Last order of Parcel check-in & check-out
Oct-1 Closed* Closed
Oct-2 Service Restored Closed
Oct-3 Closed Closed
Oct-4 Parcel Sent out to HK Service Restored
Oct-5 Closed
Oct-6 Closed Closed Closed Closed
Oct-7 Closed Parcel check-in & check-out Restored
Oct-8 Service Restored Parcel Check-out Service Eventually Restored#
Oct-9 Closed
Oct-10 Closed Service Restored
Oct-11 Closed
Oct-12 Closed
Oct-13 Closed
Oct-14 Service Restored

*During the closure, all warehouses will stop sending parcels to Hong Kong.

# After the long holidays, shipping service and the customs clearance need to spend extra time to process numbers of accumulated parcels. There will be a service suspension for 1 to 2 weeks. All services will be eventually back to normal after the suspension.

Service arrangement of the Other Warehouses

  Date/Warehouse Japan Thailand
Oct-14 Closed Closed
Oct-15 Service Restored Service Restored
Oct-19 Parcel Check-out
Oct-22 Closed
Oct-23 Service Restored Closed
Oct-24 Service Restored
